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Turtle Truck

Quick pick...

We rent a truck in San Francisco to make camp possible.

  • It brings bulky camper stuff from San Francisco to and from playa, such as tents, bikes, and black-and-yellow bins. In 2024 we rented a 16' box truck which was not too full so we have not had to institute official limits on what you can and can't bring.
  • It makes a stop in Reno for people getting on and off there.
  • It takes out camp trash which includes build team trash and kitchen trash, but no camper trash (campers are responsible for their own moop).


Plan in advance!


While we’re happy to transport your item, please make sure you think about the MOOP.

Who is demooping your item prior to being loaded on the truck? Don’t bring unnecessary MOOP to playa!


Loading the truck

The truck will leave from San Francisco, with a stop in Reno. Make sure you bring your items during the loading time.

In San FranciscoIn Reno
  • Bring your items at the loading location in San Francisco in the morning of the Friday before the event - Preferred method


  • You can also ship your items to a SF Turtle in advance, and ask them nicely if they can take care of loading your items for you (please arrange with them prior shipping).
  • Bring your items at the loading location in Reno in the evening of the Friday before the event or in the morning of the Saturday before the event - Preferred method


  • You can also ship your items to a locker in Reno and ask nicely a Turtle there if they can take care of loading your items for you (please arrange with them prior shipping).


Tip: If you plan to be in Reno on Saturday before the event or earlier, join us while we load the truck!


Bring it home

Your items will surely love the hot breeze of Black Rock desert but they will definitely want to return to their forever home which, I can assure you, is not the Freight’s team garage!

Have you thought about how you will return your items home (or dispose of them)?

Please keep in mind that the truck will not be able to bypass the traffic of the Exodus, also we will arrive in Reno way after the Turtle Bus! We will also have to dispose of the garbage. Bottom line, if you plan to leave Reno or San Francisco right after you step outside of the bus, please make some arrangements with a local Turtle in advance to take care of your items.


Typical schedule

Here's a typical schedule based on 2024:

Friday beforeBefore the event:event

before the event:

  • early morning - Pick up truck from rental company
  • 11:00 am - Load truck in San Francisco
  • Afternoon - Travel to Reno
  • Evening - Start pre-loading in Reno


  • 1pmMorning (up to Bus departure or truck fully loaded) - Load in Reno (at GSR or wherever the Turtle Bus will be)
  • Afternoon - Travel to Playa

After the event

(day after Labor Day)

Monday After Temple Burn:

Tuesday after the eventWednesday after the event
  • Morning - loadLoad bus on Playa
  • 11am - departDepart for Reno
  • Afternoon - arriveArrive in Reno


  • Morning - take
    • Take trash to Reno transfer station
    • Take broken bikes to recycling


  • Morning - drive
    • Drive to San Francisco
    • Unload freight in San Francisco (first chance for campers to pick up their stuff)
  • Afternoon -
    • Get truck washed 
    • Return to rental agency
  • Evening - campers can pick up their own stuff if they missed the first chance


Freight for camp items

If you need to bring equipment for the camp, contact the freight team (Alexandre Sartel, Jorge Ortiz, Alejandro Robles).


Truck Rental Companies

These two companies are reliable and happy to rent to Burners. However they have limited availability so you have to make a reservation in March or April.

Hengehold Trucks

Doherty's Truck & Auto Rental